Questions and Answers

Last week I asked some questions, and got some interesting answers, for example atMilliwayswithapen and Pamela Spiro, plus plenty more in the comments below the last blog. I’m going to put forward my own answers, (but would still like to hear yours if you fancy taking part 🙂 )

First, the questions

  1. Would you rather be beautiful, an astronaut or able to walk up any surface (ie up walls and along the ceiling)? Why?
  2. Would you rather physically age, mentally age or visibly age?
  3. What was the last good deed you did?
  4. I’ve been watching the Good Place. It’s great. To give a spoiler-free description, it’s a comedy about a Heaven-like place, where you can live in your ideal house in a perfect village, eat all your favourite foods, and hang out with your soul-mate. What three things would you choose to have in your good place?
  5. You get a time machine watch that can only go up to an hour into the past or future. What would you use it for?
  6. You’re such an awesome person, that the mayor of your town has asked you to come up with a national holiday, what would you want the holiday to be for (eg Tree Day, Festival of Dreams), and when would you want it?
  7. What small something would you change right now?
  8. What are your plans for getting older? How do you want to spend your time when/if you stop working? Where do you want to be?
  9. You find out (probably from a magic floating wizard or by text or something) that nothing you do today will have consequences. What’s your itinerary for the day?
  10. When you die your ghost will be trapped in the place of your death, where do you want to die?

And my answers

  1. Would you rather be beautiful, an astronaut or able to walk up any surface (ie up walls and along the ceiling)? Why?

I’d definitely choose walking up surfaces. Being beautiful meh, seems like more trouble than it’s worth. All the focus on you would be on how you look rather than what you do or say, and I reckon you’d come to rely on the adoration and then get scared of losing it. Being an astronaut is nice in theory, but I have a feeling the reality is really hard work, with a lot of monotony in confined spaces for the most part. However, being able to walk up walls would never not be great. At the absolute least it would be useful for walking down a busy street, or walking up the side of a train, or hanging from the ceiling of a lift. Just endlessly great. And then being able to take a stroll up the outside of the Shard, or along the bottom of Waterloo Bridge would be great. I doubt I’d bother with the ground again.

  1. Would you rather physically age, mentally age or visibly age?

I’d most like to hang on to my mind and the ability of my body, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with looking old. If I can only keep one ability, it would be my mind, then I can still plug myself into virtual reality and go to beautiful places/ do amazing things there.

  1. What was the last good deed you did?

Bought some food for a young, scared man who’s started sitting outside my local Tesco.

  1. I’ve been watching the Good Place. It’s great, to give a spoiler-free description, it’s a comedy about a Heaven-like place, where you can live in your ideal house in a perfect village, eat all your favourite foods, and hang out with your soul-mate. What three things would you choose to have in your good place?

Cakes and ice cream. Warm rain. A place to walk without interruption.

  1. You get a time machine watch that can only go up to an hour into the past or future. What would you use it for? (I’m specifically not stating how this would work, if it would create lots of you, or if you’d just replay the same event, you get to decide)

I think (like Calmgrove) I’d use it for relieving anxiety, by changing all the stupid comments I make. I’m not sure about jumping forward in time, maybe if I had to wait twenty minutes in the cold for a train, but it’s like wishing a bit of my life away, I think I’d rather try to find some pleasure in the waiting.

  1. You’re such an awesome person, that the mayor of your town has asked you to come up with a national holiday, what would you want the holiday to be for (eg Tree Day, Festival of Dreams), and when would you want it?

A day of release, when people shout, scream, dance and smash things, without any judgement from others. A day to let out all suppressed emotions, bad feelings and regret, and howl, without any shame or embarrassment.

  1. What small something would you change right now?

I’ve got a migraine hovering at the back of my head, I would like to not have it, please.

  1. When you die your ghost will be trapped in the place of your death, where do you want to die?

I reckon in the ocean, that must be filled with so many wonders that most of us will never see. There’s real intelligence there too (octopuses and squid) so that would be fascinating to observe.

  1. What are your plans for getting older? How do you want to spend your time when/if you stop working? Where do you want to be?

I want to still be living with my flatmate who is also my closest friend, we plan to buy a house by the sea at some point. I want to get into computer games, so that when I’m too decrepit to do much else, I can escape into some mad world with zombies and flying kicks.

  1. You find out (probably from a magic floating wizard or by text or something) that nothing you do today will have consequences. What’s your itinerary for the day?

I think breaking into lots of important buildings to see what politicians and businessmen are up to.  Jumping off buildings, smashing up cars, setting fire to shops. Running up to strangers and hugging them. Driving a car really fast (I just sold my car, so I’ll need to pinch one, presumably the world without consequences would mean other people have no consequences either, so that’s ok). For those who didn’t understand how this would work, I suppose I’m thinking it would be like Groundhog Day, at the end of the day it all resets and nothing has changed, or maybe like many little Groundhog Days.


13 thoughts on “Questions and Answers

  1. Great answers. A Groundhog-Like Day sounds good, as long as it’s in summer and they don’t repeat “I Got You Babe” ad infinitum on the radio.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you 🙂 I wonder how many people ended up hating that song by the end… I always thought there could be advantages to living in Groundhog day, the biggest problem would be the loneliness , I think.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I think these kinds of what-if questions are potentially quite revealing (as they are meant to be!) but particularly useful in getting the participant to decide on priorities for their remaining lifespan. Useful, but have I actually done much about it? I’ll leave you to guess the answer to that!

    Fascinating responses to your own questions, by the way! Will it change your habits? 😁


  3. Hmm, you mean will I start howling at the moon? Perhaps, if I can find a secluded spot (which is maybe undoing the point of being carefree).

    My plan for getting older is one I’ve been building on for a while, I used to be scared of it, so I thought I should make plans, now I’m looking forward to it. My only concern is that I won’t have the access to technology or knowledge to play computer games, but my hope is by then they’ll have found a way to plug all us oldsters into the matrix (there’ll be so many of us, they’ll need to do something).

    I will definitely start walking up walls, first chance I get 😉


  4. Loving number 10! I’d go into rooms you’re not allowed to go into, galleries, stately homes, I’d touch old master paintings and take close-up camera shots for painting techniques, I’d drive my car fast, I’d tell a few people what I really think of them, I’d shove people away on a plane so I can have more room, and tell them to keep quiet while there’re at it….I’d even go as far as to maim people who are cruel to animals and see how they like it…but to end on someone nicer, I’d take a Maine Coon cat from a breeder and not pay the bill! (Now I’m going to jot this question down for possible future blogging use)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😀 You’re a wild card when you get the chance, eh? I’m definitely with you on the cat, they’re gorgeous! I think you’re thinking too small on the plane though, just pinch the whole thing (or maybe pay for it with a stolen credit card in case pinching a plane turns out to be tricky) and then run up and down the empty aisle making vroom vroom noises 🙂

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