
So, I’m back at work and it’s great to see everyone again and be outside tackling some plants.

It’s all quite odd though, everything is not quite the same, little details have shifted. I’ll get some pictures tomorrow. It’s as if someone gave all of London a makeover. And then almost all Londoners have changed too. We hide our faces. We aren’t rushing, instead we keep our distance. No more stand on the right, walk on the left on escalators, now everybody stands. And there are police everywhere.

At work, my colleagues are just like they always were – cheery, lovable oddballs. But with longer hair. The guys have either slicked back styles or new wavy locks.

I feel like this is a puny blog, so here is a fella I read about this morning, the monkey slug caterpillar, Phobetron. They aren’t anything to do with monkeys or slugs, but they are caterpillars. Aren’t they incredible?

Click on this to go to the site I nicked it from
Definitely click on this photo to see more photos from the Maryland Biodiversity Project

28 thoughts on “Covidworld

  1. Top pic is awesome, bottom one looks like something that has just erupted from John Hurt’s chest. Has somebody turned it inside out? Pleased you have been let loose on the world again. It’s a happier place when you talk about it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Please don’t turn the monkey slug inside out, or he will DEVOUR YOUR SOUL. He only looks friendly. And thank you, I am happier to be out in the world, even if I find it quite confusing.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Of course you have one, it’s all shiny! And there must be someone who thinks the world makes sense. What about the lizards who secretly run it? Does it make sense in lizard culture? Is that the problem?

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Hmm, you could also do that if you were an airborne cuttlefish. Ooh, I think I’ve just invented my spirit animal! 😀

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    1. Thank you. And agreed. I sort of like the drama of it. Although I’m aware of how terrible it is for many people (and may still be for me) I’m taking some pleasure in the aesthetics. I hope your work is still sorted and safe.

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  2. Glad you can work and meet your friends. I used to keep my hair short but am turning into Rapunzel by each day. Considering I live on the tallest tower in the city, the hair may come in handy.
    My Covidworld is quieter, with more bio-diversity venturing closer now–birds of unknown variety, insects never seen before along with moles, rats, mongoose, snakes, lizards and squirrels settling down comfortably in the area. If the lockdown continues, we’ll see Jumanji-kind of update to the house complete with Lions, Hippos and Rhinos (my daughter will probably take them in as her pets, though, elephants may have to stay outside because of the short size of the door).
    The pic reminds me Starfish, somehow.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I can imagine the animals slowly gathering around your home, poking their head around the door, sitting at the window. I hope you can get some photos of this exciting new ecosystem. It sounds like a book I’m writing – set in the future, with a change in climate, south London is overrun with new plants and animals. I wrote it when I was ill, because I just loved imagining such a place, creating the jungle in my head. 😀


      1. Hey, wait, what? Have I just been so oblivious I missed these? I know I’ve seen some of them, and loved them and been looking out for more, but missed the rest!!! Such a dimwit am I. Right, shall have a wander through your neighbourhood now 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Thoughts:

    1. Eurggh.
    2. Can’t even think about Covid world, let alone post-Covidworld.
    3. Like the black van (not your work vehicle, I’m guessing).

    My brain’s gone muzzy now. Sorry.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Muzzy head is a serious unacknowledged issue at the moment. I have muzzy head today, so I’m sticking to simple things. i WISH that was my work vehicle 😀 Don’t let covid bring you down, my friend. Whatever happens we’ll all muddle through.


      1. Muzziness comes from being in limbo, Petra, I think. I oscillate between incandescent anger with government and feeling almost blissed out (shading to boredom). Blogging and reading is a welcome consolation.

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      2. Agreed. It’s difficult to make plans and think clearly when the future not only feels uncertain (which it tends to anyway) but there are constant visible reminders of that fact. The focus has rightly been on those whose lives have been seriously damaged by the virus, but even those of us who are still trundling along ok (and I hope that group includes you) are affected and it’s not easy to understand and figure out how to adapt to that.

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  4. Those are some creepy, interesting caterpillars.

    *deep sigh*…well the US has opened back up and states are already closing down again because places like Florida topped 9000 cases in a single day. It’s almost as if we opened up after a time but didn’t do ANYTHING to forestall the virus *facepalm* I hope your side of the pond is doing a better job keeping you all safe!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, as always, our Boris is looking to his big bro Trump to see what to do, but without quite the guts to be so brazen about killing everyone off.
      People in London don’t seem too fussed now, they wear their masks on their chins or run off to crowd on the beaches. I think we’ll end up with a world that won’t allow anyone from the US, the UK or Brazil to visit, we’ll be pariah countries.
      Are you still able to work and stay home? Look after yourself x

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      1. I think the EU is already not allowing Americans in and I don’t blame them considering what a shit show we are lol.

        Yup! I’m still working from home. I even had a doctor’s appointment from home. Technology is wonderful 😀

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      2. It’s great that you’re able to stay safe and keep earning. I hope you’re enjoying that and not going too isolation-crazy.

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      3. I’m pretty good at keeping up with people through the interwebs. I hope you’re staying cool and hydrated. My favorite LPer is English and he’s been talking about the heatwave you all are getting over there. We’re in the soup, too, but I know the UK doesn’t have the AC infrastructure of the states because this is a fairly new thing (hooray climate change lolsob). I…actually forgot that this weekend was a holiday (the 4th of July lol) because I’m just so used to being at home and time just has no meaning anymore. I’m shocked it’s freaking July…last I remember it was March.

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      4. Yes, it felt like the last REAL time was March until I went back to work. I’m not staying cool, but I’m glugging water like a wateroholic 🙂

        The net has been the reason we’ve all survived this, I reckon. Every now and then I get a memory pop up of life before it (which was the first twenty years of my life). I’m not sure how we sorted anything. And if there had been a pandemic then, I’d have been eating ants and chatting to inanimate objects within weeks. Respect to anyone who stayed sane during the Spanish Flu pandemic.

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