Is this normal?

I have been sorting my room. Picking through drawers of junk – junk to throw away when I work out how; junk to re use when I think of how; junk I’d forgotten about. Anyway, I came across this, the old lithium battery for my phone that I can’t put in the bin and couldn’t work out where to dispose of it. I hope you can see from the way it’s no longer lying flat that it’s swollen up, like it’s been pumped up with a football pump.

The instructions say don’t put it in a ‘mostness or corrode environment’, but I’ve never done that! I’m not even sure what a mostness environment is.

Is it going to explode? Is it leaking toxins? Should I throw it out the window and duck down? Is it going to make me radioactive so I have superpowers? Do I already have superpowers but haven’t got to use them so haven’t noticed? You all seem smart, help me out!

36 thoughts on “Is this normal?

      1. I believe that CERN created a tiny one a little while ago. Mind you, when did you last hear about the Large Hadron Collider? Strange things Black Holes: the more you put into them, the bigger they get. Holes don’t normally do that, do they?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Not solid holes, holes made of rubber/chewing gum would maybe, if they were in space. Did the CERN chaps put anything in their black hole? I can imagine them dropping in pens and keys, like feeding their new pet and seeing if it grew.

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  1. I’m thinking that mostness is a spelling mistake for moistness. But who calls a moist environment, a ‘moistness environment?’ or a ‘corrode environment’ for that matter.

    This batter was never trustworthy.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I mean, what you say makes sense, but if you imagine a mostness environment, it’s probably more exciting than a moistness one 😉


    1. Definitely. I’m very fond of mistranslations, it’ll be a shame if the technology gets so good we stop getting them. I suspect that Japan uses them to help sell stuff to tourists!


  2. Most municipalities have a battery disposal drop box for just such reasons – many of our device batteries become unstable over time. I recommend you call the waste management agency in your county or town and ask where the drop off is for battery disposal.

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